Day 3: Defining Baselines

1 min readFeb 1, 2022

So back at work and on lunch break. 60 minutes to do this and there is a steep learning curve and a little bit of fear creeping in.

What are the baselines of my life?

Financial (Net worth)

Family/Friends (Social/Personal Connection/Status)

Fieldwork (What is done on a daily basis)

Formation (What values, beliefs are put into practice)

Fitness (What a body can do)

Fun (Meaningful activity)

Driving Question: How does one take an quantify their life to see measurable improvement? Fitness and Finance are easily quantifiable. To a point, Fieldwork or what you do can be as well.

But formation, family/friends, and fun?

Should relationship health, fun/downtime activity, and the values and beliefs that are embedded into humanity try and be put to a ruler?

Is there a way to measure heuristically (rule of thumb) vs. hard rules?

(Well…Insert life situation: For lunch, now have to go pick up a walmart order because they re-routed our pickup to another one across town and my spouse was at another one.)

So to wrap up today:

How do you define your baselines to potentially grow from?

And last night while putting my son to sleep, the phrase: The year of just being here kept replaying over and over. A year of just being in the moment and mindful of the projects, aspirations, relationships, that are right in front instead of straining to build some sort of “empire” as my friends say.

That’s it for today.




Father of 3 boys, husband of a real beauty, while being a project manager and developer focused on making life useful and better for all.